


The teaching relationship with Peter begins as one of tenderness. He observes his student with an interested and always fresh gaze. From this attention is born a unique relationship that is nourished by his infinite creativity. Peter sees promise in his student, potential not just in their posture work but in life. He awakens the living within us. He creates a space in us that allows us to live as free and stable beings. Peter’s teaching is inscribed within me both when I practise in the early morning and when I am aware of the precious support he has given me and I experience a positive outlook, new, creative and tender, towards life and the field of possibilities.


A gentle man has departed

A gentle man has departed

A brilliant and creative mind is extinguished. We are now orphaned of a singular and inspiring approach to yoga. It is for us now to continue to give life to the breath he gave, with tenderness, to the practice of this discipline. When I taught retreats with him, I sometimes did not understand where he was coming from… But I knew that, when my mind had become a little more sattvic (clear), the matter would be as crystal as his gaze. I have lost a friend, a colleague and a piece of my heart. Farewell Peter…

A strange listening

A strange listening

Peter gave me a lot through his strange listening. He had something akin to “another ear”, another sensibility, an availability tailored to our needs. He was “other” and yet right there with us, accompanying us wherever we needed to go.

Awareness is love

Awareness is love

The Art of being, seeing, and awareness. Being aware of sharing about an art of teaching yoga that cannot be fully defined, explained or described perfectly, because it lives within our hearts. Peter Hersnack was a light of knowledge and from this stemmed “happiness”. As the sun illuminates, this luminous empty knowing was a source of love towards our essential nature, and its apparent veil.

With few words, a direction “to drop the label” of our solid body was given as if the correct posture had nothing to do with the posture of the body. To dare “humanness” to reveal Life within us. I have always experienced Peter's teaching as a test of presence for an about-face in order to deconstruct ourselves for a quality of experience called “tenderness”. According to Peter, taking care of oneself is to experience intimacy in tenderness towards a clearing becoming a support to be received in a relationship and to discover “what is” since it is always there, this "Being there", embracing us in Life.

Let’s count our graces.

Thank you, Peter Hersnack.
Hélène Rivard

Giving myself

Giving myself puts me in the action, moving towards the object with who I am. Giving myself, I become conscious of a perception that precedes me, that doesn’t depend on me; my actions and my knowledge become relative, a silence installs in me, my relationship with the object simplifies and I am disencumbered of myself. Giving myself, I give to the relationship that which is alive in me.

- Peter Hersnack
To open space

To open space

Peter, above all a sensitive man, visionary, artist and sage, supported and guided so many of us in discovering our story, who we are, by opening space within us.


Sensitive and generous

Sensitive and generous

We are still in shock. We really love and loved Peter, as many people do and did. It was not just his wonderful teachings and insights – always fresh, surprising – often delivered with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He talked a lot about Being and Seeing; his observational skills were absolutely remarkable, noticing tiny movements and nuances. But perhaps more important than his Seeing, more important than the way he illuminated yoga philosophy or the way he communicated, more than that was his very Being. Peter talked a lot about “uncomplicated wholeness”, about “retaining one’s innocence”. He was kind, he was sensitive, he was generous. His Being in the world had those qualities and he is a friend and mentor who will always have a big place in our hearts and whose Being will always be a source of inspiration.

Gift of Life...

Gift of Life...

First encounter—Peter asked me to demonstrate the first posture. It was a very simple arm movement, but with a bhavana I found impossible to do: “on the inhale your breath descends until it touches the sacrum… the touch of the inhale releases the exhale…” I was completely in the unknown. I’ve practiced yoga for 20 years, I am a teacher and I train teachers, but I felt like a beginner. Peter stayed very calm, guiding me, returning to the bhāvana, taking his time, which gave me confidence. We tried again, he watched in silence, listening to my breath, and to my great surprise I got there!
At that moment something opened in me, a perception other than my body, than my breath. A new path appeared, a road to explore leading towards a depth in my practice and in my life, the two becoming intimately interwoven. I knew without doubt that this was what I was looking for. Becoming Peter’s student was a gift of Life.

Peter came regularly to give yoga training sessions in Quebec from December 2004 until October 2015. At the present my exploration continues to deepen, more and more… I am grateful to have received this teaching of embodiment and liberty, shared so generously and which remains so alive in me. Thank you Peter, thank you Life!


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